Get on DJ vendor lists & get Gigs

Get on DJ vendor lists & get Gigs

Having trouble getting DJ gigs? You’ve tried hard to reach out to big DJ agencies but none of them have responded? We’ll don’t give up, maybe you need to simplify your DJ aspirations just a bit. It’s great to aim for international DJ status,...
Origins Of Hip Hop: How DJs Changed Music

Origins Of Hip Hop: How DJs Changed Music

“Where does DJing come from?” That was a question a viewer of my YouTube channel posed to me the other week, & you know what – it got me thinking. So much so that it quickly turned into one of ‘those’ thoughts.  You know – the type that you can’t expel...
DJ Mistakes: 9 ‘Boo-Boos’ DJs Make!!

DJ Mistakes: 9 ‘Boo-Boos’ DJs Make!!

Us DJs – we’re misunderstood creatures.  So much so that we often get overlooked, & in many cases, wrongly labeled as the ‘person who just plays music’. When in actual fact, that’s anything but the case – something you’ll already know if you’ve dived...